Monday, April 13, 2009


Financial troubles have hit me hard over the last two months. Unfortunately for me, this puts a halt on any artistic endeavors I anticipated. For now, all I am doing is sketching and drafting ideas for projects, as well as finding anything around the house to draw on.

I've been talking to the folks over at The Studio at Colton. That place is full of so much potential!! The studios are still in their infant stages, but things are happening over there. If you get a chance to visit, they're in the Bywater/Marigny neighborhood, on St. Claude Ave about a block or two past Elysian Fields. I plan on volunteering some time to the printmaking studio, both on an artistic and organization level. We need a lot of equipment and supplies to get it up and running, especially a press! Hopefully I can land an opportunity to teach classes soon.

I moved into the Bywater Art Lofts about three weeks ago. Nice place. I now have no excuses to NOT be creative. I've surrounded myself with artists! There's an impressive list of names in the call box. For me, living here is all about networking, networking, networking! Oh, and cheaper rent!!

A website is in the works. Of course, it is all being notated on paper. Something is wrong with my laptop. I can't access the internet. That being said, I'm looking for decent deals on hosting. I do need to take better photos of my work and get some new contact cards made. There's a lot of work to do.

Just found out today that Krewe do Craft will participate in this year's Halloween parade on October 24th. I believe there are two parades, but we'll be with Box of Wine, just as we were during Mardi Gras. I'll keep you updated.
