Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Mid-September News

Been super busy, folks....

Juggling a jewelry business and my visual art is............time.............consuming.

I had a photoshoot with photographer, Chris Jacobs, a week ago.  He works with Where Y'art Artist Collective (yes, the one I joined).  I just want to say right now that everyone affiliated with this organization is incredible!  From the first hand shake to the most recent email conversation, you will not find one single complaint from me.  I drop off my prints for product photography on Sunday.  I'm excited about that. Actually, I'm VERY excited about that.  It is so hard to get good-quality shots of prints.  I want to capture the small things that make printmaking so interesting to me, such as the indentation left by the plate after I run it through the press.  I hope they can get a detail shot of that.  It makes me giddy!  I'm also waiting for an email regarding a bio and a Q&A (biting nails).  Where Y'art's website launches in November.

Axiom is still hanging in there.  We put a small collection of our jewelry in Green Serene Boutique, on Magazine Street.  I personally love this shop and I end up buying something every time I go in.  They took 11 pieces, mostly statement jewelry, so we'll see where this goes.

Harrison Marketplace was our first big market, which happened last Wednesday.  I have two words: a tent. Those things are a pain to deal with, but we made it work.  Our first big market landed us zero sales though. No worries, we push forward.  After much discussion, we're going to participate in October's market on Harrison and we'll make up our minds about future opportunities there when it's over.  We are currently waiting to see if we are accepted into Freret's October market (since they wait-listed us for September).

In the meantime, our relationship with the Frenchmen Art Market continues to grow.  We are there just about every weekend, although only one or two days instead of all four.  Honestly, there isn't enough money to invest in a solid weekend there...yet, but we love the crowd and vibe is right so we are definitely not going anywhere.

Day job problems: organizing a book signing for Robert Sabuda, an award-winning pop-up book artist, scheduled for this Saturday.  Press releases, website updates, Facebook invites, Twitter Feeds, conversations with editors, etc etc.  It'll be cool to meet this guy for sure.  
