At one point in time, I walked in a couple of parades. Being a member of a walking krewe is certainly different than participating in the large, world-famous parades that splatter the covers of newspapers and magazines. A walking krewe is the heart of Mardi Gras, at least to most locals. Everything is handmade: costumes, float contraptions, and even the throws. The stress and timing of making sure everything is ready for the big day can be overwhelming, but it is so much fun! This year is the first in about 4 years, that I've actually missed being a part of all that. So my friends and I are making it a priority to dress up in some sort of costume when we go to the parades this year. It is fueling my longing for another walking krewe and to be a part of a parade again.........maybe next year.
It is also fueling my creativity!
Last week, we got together with a good friend of mine to decorate shoes. She's in one of the "superkrewes" as we like to call them here. A large krewe with huge floats, lots of fluff, and a treasured throw. Much like the famous coconut from the Zulu parade, catching a shoe from the Krewe of Muses has become a milestone for some. I am lucky enough to be on the inside. I get to see the shoes before anything is done to them, where they come from, which shoes will be good enough, and.....this is the best part.....witness them become fabulous works of art! Being involved in the creation of these original pieces really brings out the creator in all of us who sit at that craft table!

Glitter.......everywhere! It's pretty awesome!
I have a big idea in mind for a new body of work. It may take a bit to plan out, execute, and get together, but I think it's going to be good. I am way overdue for work that acknowledges where I'm from and where I'm at currently, geographically. I've been studying maps a lot lately. I mean, I always find maps interesting. I like to compare old maps to new ones. The fact that technology allows us to get picture perfect images of the world and its land is just crazy to me. I think about those guys who mapped out the stars that lead to rivers that lead to cities that lead to countries....with astonishing accuracy (in some cases, close enough). I feel there is a pro and con to modern technology. The pro being that it is so much more advanced, our accuracy is perfect. The con however, is that I feel we've lost our sense of direction by relying on modern day advances in cartography. I'm going to stop there. This could possibly be a starting point for the description of the body of work. I'm going to sit on it for the weekend and read it later.

One last thing, I am gearing up for a flash sale of artwork that needs a home. Stay tuned for price slashes in order to make room for more art. I don't do this often, folks, so if you find yourself in a position to do so, take advantage of this!
Until next time.........