Tuesday, August 20, 2013

August: Don't Judge Me, I'm Getting Better

Yes, I do have to say that I am getting better at the blog thing.  Once a month?  Well, that's certainly better than last year's record.

Hmm, what's been going on?

The RAW Artist Showcase for Axiom was an overwhelming success!  Our fashion show came together nicely and although we were very happy with the results, there are a few things we'd do different next time. But that's to be expected, right?  All of our friends and fans really came through for us, so if you're reading this (which is a bit exciting considering the massive popularity of this blog), THANK YOU so much for everything!  It really means a lot to have the support and encouragement.  As a matter of fact, the support was so great, we decided to up the ante and start doing markets!  No, not every market in town...only a few.  As of today, we've participated in the Frenchmen Art Market a few times.  It's nestled in a small parking lot turned market courtyard (@619 Frenchmen) right next to The Spotted Cat.  It is August, so we aren't expecting this huge turn out to buy our jewelry.  This past Sunday night was for the birds (most of the other vendors agreed).  Thursday and Saturday nights are probably better choices for sales.  I believe we are signing up for this Friday night.  That will officially round out the market nights and from there, we can decide which evenings will work best for us. We also applied for the Freret Market, located uptown, and the Harrison Market over in the Lakeview neighborhood.  Hopefully, something happens for us there.  Our Etsy store should be launching soon too.  We're excited about the Etsy experience.

Still getting my print work together for that artist collective.  I am so nervous about it, mainly because my work has never been exposed to a large audience through a collective.  Someone will actually be pushing my work alongside my efforts!  Of course, the organizers are all,"Don't be nervous, you are super talented and amazing!" I should just take that compliment and run with it.

A photoshoot of  my art-making process will be arranged in the near future.


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